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2008年 絵画作品の制作を開始

2012年 東京・銀座のスタジオで油絵作品の制作を開始

2015年 福岡のアトリエ・サロンで作品の制作を開始

2015年 門司港ホテル にて 油絵を展示

2015年 造形芸術学校 


 d3 Art Studio 入学

2015年 小倉井筒屋 ギャラリーB.B.E. にて 油絵を展示

2016年 小倉井筒屋 ギャラリーB.B.E. にて 油絵を販売

2016年 銀座の画廊に出展

2016年 ギャラリータグボートに出展

2016年 慶應義塾大学法学部政治学科入学

2017年 アートスクール銀座入校 

2017年 小倉井筒屋 個展 


2018年 帝国ホテル 東京 個展  


2019年 慶應義塾大学


2019年 帝国ホテル


2019年 伊勢神宮に絵画を奉納

2020年 高野山東京別院で仏画を制作

2021年 銀座・伊東屋 展覧会 幸福展

2022年 国立新美術館 ナナ展 出展

2022年 大丸東京店 展示

2023年 日本橋髙島屋 展示

2023年 スワロフスキー 




























 The causes and reasons for Michiyo 's artistic activities are "love", "happiness for all", "joy", "respect for nature", and "beauty".

 She began creating artworks in 2008, and oil paintings in 2012, starting from her studio in Ginza. I came to the conclusion that I wanted to output the energy that piles up inside me as I live my life, so I gathered art materials at ITOYA in Ginza.

 Then, on the smallest size of canvas (size 0), I took three colors of oil paint (pink, green, and yellow-green) and heaped them on my brush to create a matiere mosaic of mixed colors. As I expressed this, I felt my inner energy connecting with the outside world and becoming one with it, and I was surrounded by a warm and peaceful feeling.

 After that, I drew as I wanted to, but I came to the conclusion that I needed more skill, so I decided to attend an art school.

 At the art school, the first step was drawing. The first step was to draw a piece of wood or a circle. It took an hour and a half to draw the composition, shade the colors, and capture the features. The result was beautiful, clean pieces of wood and circles. Knowing that he could draw so many things with a pencil, he became more and more interested in drawing.            

 After that, he started sketching flowers as a motif and developed a love for them, which has led him to continue drawing them to this day.

 In her sketches, she looks at the flowers carefully, feels the fragrance they produce, and draws them in great detail. If I chant "love" and "thank you" in my heart while drawing, the result is often very good.

 Then, I painted Mt. The title of the painting is "Mount Fuji of Joy. It's a simple abstract painting in Akane, gold and white.  It turned out to be quite powerful. I took it to a department store to have it displayed. Many people saw it, and one lucky day, I received a call from someone who wanted the painting. I listened to his story and decided to sell the painting "Mt. He commented that he liked the "Akane" color of the paints I used, and he was happy to purchase it. This was the first of Michiyo Katashima's works to sell.

 Fuji series, but she also left behind an abstract painting in gold, silver, and Akane, and a painting depicting a cherry blossom tree in full bloom on a blue mountain. These paintings are particularly appropriate for the new year.

 One of his most beloved works, as mentioned earlier, is a painting of flowers in oil. In particular, there is a lot of use of the color "gold" in his works. There is a reason for this, and it is that the age of gold, the age when gold flourished, was a time of peace. This is the reason why they use so much gold, to express their prayers and thoughts for peace and prosperity. This is the ideal of the golden age.

 The time spent painting beautiful flowers on a gold background is the happiest time of my life. There is nothing like the time spent observing and enjoying nature's beautiful flowers, feeling their life, and painting them.

With a brush, I make a pattern on a gold base and leave it there until the paint dries. After that, I paint the most visible parts of the flower with a brush. I capture the outline of the flower, paint the inside to give it a three-dimensional effect, and add the stem to create the vase. Colorful flowers give us happiness, but they are not always fixed and change their expressions from time to time. Painting them makes it possible to preserve the fragile but beautiful flowers forever.

 Painting is the only thing in this world that can stop time. When one encounters a painting of destiny, one can be drawn to it by being present in front of it, becoming one with it. Such an experience is probably the most exciting part of painting.

 Many of the motifs in the flower paintings were roses. Many of his works depict roses as a symbol of love and affection. Fragrant roses enrich our daily life and make it irreplaceable. There are red roses, white roses, pink roses, orange roses, etc., and it is interesting to capture the overlapping petals and silhouettes.

 Flowers are there quietly, telling a story without speaking a word. I believe that flowers are also an existence of love. It is my greatest joy and happiness to create a painting of this love and have people see it.

 I have also painted lilies and other colorful flowers with various titles such as "Flower of Joy," "Garden," "Pastel Flower," "Peony in front of the Mirror," "Miracle Flower," and "Pink Carnation. Pink Carnation is also popular on Instagram.

 I'm quite fond of color schemes, so the colors are generally gorgeous and bright. Flower paintings also exist in both abstract and figurative forms. I start with a single color on a #20 canvas, and then I add another color ...... on top of it, randomly. He continues to do this until he is satisfied with the result. The result was a work titled "Possibility," with the message, "Believe in the possibility and try until you get it right! That was the message I wanted to convey.

 The other work was "Rim", which was also painted with gold paint. The artist first applied gold paint evenly on the canvas, and then drew circles evenly with a brush. The interconnectedness of the circles is analogous to the relationship between people and people, or between things and things. It is an interesting piece of art that looks good in both modern and Japanese settings.

 The work "Utage" is an abstract painting of red and purple flowers, dripped with gold paint. "The result is a work reminiscent of elegance. It is characterized by a gorgeous and uplifting mood, and is one of the most beautiful works of color.

 I  drew fruits that remind me of moisture. Strawberries, apples, and other everyday things are lovingly represented in this work.

 I also drew my feelings about jewels. By drawing things that everyone loves, such as diamonds, he is leading us to a world of dreams.

 Then I started to draw the Buddha with charcoal. At that time, too, energy was building up inside of me, and one day I saw a "Nyorai" in a magazine that caught my eye, and my desire to paint it grew.

 I drew the outline, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and head one after another on the canvas. It was as if I was painting by myself and something was giving me the power to paint, and the face of the Buddha came to me naturally.


 This is my own theory, but I sometimes think that paintings have a soul. It changes its expression and shape in the changing time and scenery, and it can be a superb thing to show us.